Working Papers

Transition Probabilities and Moment Restrictions in Dynamic Fixed Effects Logit Models, (winner of the Best PhD Student Paper Award, 2023 IAAE Conference), Submitted
[ Abstract | Draft | Supplement | Arxiv version]

Functional Differencing in Networks (with Stéphane Bonhomme),
[ Abstract | Draft | Arxiv version ]


Identification in a Binary Choice Panel Data Model with a Predetermined Covariate (with Stéphane Bonhomme and Bryan S. Graham), SERIEs - Journal of the Spanish Economic Association. Special issue in honor of Manuel Arellano.
[ Abstract | Published version | Arxiv version | Nber version | Replication code]

Coordination and Incumbency Advantage in Multi-Party Systems: Evidence from French Elections (with Francesco Ferlenga, Vincenzo Galasso, Caroline Le Pennec and Vincent Pons), The Journal of the European Economic Association, accepted
[ Abstract | Draft | Nber version] | Replication code]

Work In Progress

Dynamic Panel Multinomial Logit Models (with Bo Honoré and Martin Weidner)

Moment Restrictions in Nonlinear Panel Data Models with Feedback (with Stéphane Bonhomme and Bryan S. Graham)

Identification and Estimation of Random Effects Linear Social Interaction Models with Endogenous Peer Selection